• Car Shipping is of two types i.e. enclosed and open. It is advisable to opt for enclosed shipping if you own a luxurious car. However, open shipping would be more than sufficient for regular cars. There is a nominal price difference between the two; the former is a bit expensive than the latter. Therefore, it is advisable to choose carefully, or else you might end up spending a huge amount of money for something that’s not worth it.
• Most of the reputable car shipping companies are registered with the U.S. Department of Transportation. Please make sure that the firm you chose also holds a valid registration. Furthermore, all its insurance certificates should be in place. These factors might seem unimportant to you at the moment. However, these would prove to be highly beneficial in case of any conflict.
• How would you find a reputable firm in the first place? You can follow the traditional approach; conduct extensive research, and then narrow down your options. This can be done with the help of Internet. You might go the conventional way, and visit every brick and mortar office that you are aware of. This would certainly take you ages to find a reliable firm. However, the ball is in your court.
• It is important to play smart. Kindly do not ignore your rights, or overlook the duties of the firm that you are dealing with. It is advisable to enquire about the firm’s liability beforehand as this would certainly help you in case of any mishap. Supposedly, you discover that your car has some scratches that were not there prior to delivery. Who would you blame in such a scenario? Most of the Car Shipping Companies would agree to pay for the damages; at least the reputed ones would. However, you must be sure of this fact beforehand.
Believe it or not but any service can take you by surprise, especially if you do not know what you are paying for; car shipping is no exception. It goes without saying that being oblivious of car shipping rates can cost you dearly; therefore, it is important that you are not only fully aware but also know how these are derived in the first place. Here, it is worth mentioning that determining these rates is way easier than you think; in fact, all you need to do is to get familiarized with the determinants, and you are good to go. Following are some of the things that you try to keep in mind:
Your car – Needless to say, shipping would most likely come into the picture when you get your car transported from one place to another. Therefore, it shouldn’t take you long to realize that your car is the first, and probably the most important thing that matters. Nevertheless, most of the auto transport companies would ask you to provide them with the following information about your car; believe it or not but it would help them in determining the rates:
a) Age – In all probability, you would be asked about the manufacturing year; this input would come in handy when determining the age of the car.
b) Condition – By and large, every company would ask you to pay a bit more if your car is in a dilapidated condition; however, there are some that might choose to turn a blind eye.
c) Make and model – It would be insensible to expect a company to come up with similar Car Shipping Rates for all cars; after all, a Mercedes Benz is not the same as a Ford. The bottom line is that the make and model of your car would definitely be taken into consideration unless the chosen company has a flat rate pricing policy.
Distance – Let’s suppose that you get your car shipped to the other side of the world; in such a scenario, it would be futile to expect to pay the same as your neighbor who might have got his car transported to an adjacent town. In other words, distance matters; it has a huge impact on the arrangements (including gas and driver) that the chosen company needs to make.
Options – In all probability, you would either go for car shipping, or choose its enclosed counterpart; after all, these are the only two options that you have. It goes without saying that most of the Auto Transport Companies have different rates for both of the aforementioned services.
Another factor that effects car shipping rates is the repute of the auto shipper. Auto shipper enjoying good market repute will charge more as compare to any unknown auto shipper.
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